This document serves the purpose of operationalising the ALM-Investing in Health decisions in the Regional Health Financing Hubs (RHFH). It provides background information and an evidence-informed, step-by-step approach to the conceptualization, design, and operationalization of the RHFH. The methodology utilised in this document is grounded on the ALM-Investing in Health Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.4(XXXII)), which was adopted in February 2019.

AUDA-NEPAD leads the conceptualization, design and implementation of the RHFH based on Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.810(XXXIV) of 6–7 February 2021 on domestic health financing (ALM-Investing in health), which requests the AU Commission to speed up implementation of Item 6(v) of the February 2019 ALM-Investing in Health Declaration, regarding working with partners to create regional platforms to support Member States to increase domestic health financing, by assigning responsibility for coordinating this mandate to AUDA-NEPAD.