Greetings from the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation (AMRH) Joint Secretariat!

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of updates covering July to August 2023. Thisedition shines a spotlight on significant accomplishments during this period and offers aglimpse into upcoming events that will further bolster regulatory harmonization and supportthe operationalization of the African Medicines Agency (AMA).

  • AMRH Continental Technical Committees
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Technical Committee (GMP TC)
  • Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMP) TC
  • Medicines Policy and Regulatory Reform (MPRR TC)
  • African Medical Devices Forum (AMDF TC)
  • Regulatory Capacity Development (RCD TC)
  • The 9th AMRH Partnership Platform (AMRH PP)
  • National Regulatory Authorities
  • Regional Economic Committees
  • SCOMRA date has been announced