In line with its mandate of building and strengthening the capacity of Quality Control Laboratories, the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) seeks to improve the efficiency of the quality control equipment through capacity building on equipment maintenance. The capacity building programme will equip laboratory personnel with the knowledge and skills to satisfactorily maintain High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLCs).

The AMQF has defined its scope of work as indicated in the figure below;


The HPLC Maintenance Training Selection Criteria for any Laboratory officer/ equipment managers/technicians are:

  1. Employed by a National Quality Control Laboratory (NQCL) in Africa with a supporting letter accompanying the application.
  2. Have at least two (2) years of demonstrated experience in using HPLC.
  3. Be responsible for equipment management and or troubleshooting of equipment challenges in the Laboratory.
  4. Have a demonstrable passion for equipment management and maintenance.
  5. Committed to sending a maintenance plan for HPLC instruments and records of implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills after completion of the technical training.

This is to invite Member States to nominate one expert by 31st October 2023 to participate in this online course scheduled for December 2023. Upon successful completion of the online modules, the selected nominees will proceed for the on-site face-to-face training at an 

ISO17025:2017 accredited Laboratory in Nairobi, Kenya. The nominees for this on-site session will be sponsored with an economy class return air ticket, registration fees, and accommodation/DSA by the PTB project.

Your active participation in this training course will contribute significantly to the collective efforts of AUDA-NEPAD, AMQF, and its member states in enhancing pharmaceutical quality control in Africa in a bid to ensure effective, safe, and good-quality medical products. A Zoom link shall be provided to facilitate nominated participants to attend this training course.

Confirmation of your interest and nominee(s) should be submitted to us by email to Mr. Bonaventure Chilinde (Chairperson-AMQF) at, and a copy to Mr. Bationo Jean Fidèle (Senior Program Officer-AMQF) on, Ms. Amoreen Naluyima (Chairperson AMQF-QMS Subcommittee) on for better planning. The dates for this virtual training will be communicated in due course.